Motorsports Company Wants To Build Electric Cars In Georgia

A sports car manufacturer wants to build the first electric cars in Georgia. DeltaWing Technologies is looking at a three-wheeler that could cost $15,000. You can buy the vehicle for yourself, but the idea is to be a car-sharing program – like Zipcar – but exclusively for electric cars.Bild Motorsports Company Wants klein

Gary Fong is the director of communications with DeltaWing. He’s not sure when the cars will be ready, but the company first has to build a manufacturing plant in Georgia.

“We’re really more than a race car company and it makes sense not only for an environmental benefit but also an economic benefit because we believe this would bring more jobs to Georgia and sales of cars like this whether to the city or the private sector would be keeping those funds and net revenue here in the state,” Fong says.

DeltaWing Technologies is owned by Motorsports entrepreneur Don Panoz, who makes high-performance sports cars.


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