First European partnership announced by Australia’s Tritium for its EV fast charger

As part of its international expansion programme, Australian-based electric vehicle (EV) specialist, Tritium, has signed its first preferred-supplier agreement in Europe with E-WALD, a leading German provider of emobility solutions. E-WALD, which operates a fleet of electric cars and charging stations across Germany, Austria and Switzerland, has been appointed to install and support the Veefil® Electric Vehicle Fast Charger throughout these countries, as well exclusively market the charger to its customers.

“Germany is an exciting place right now in the development of EVs, and one of the most progressive countries in terms of embracing this technology,” comments Paul Sernia, Commercial Director at Tritium. “Our aim is to find good, local partners with which to work internationally and we are therefore delighted to bring E-WALD on board as our preferred supplier for this important region. Not only are they extremely experienced and well-respected in the EV market, they also have expansion plans that match our own and similar high standards of operation.

“There are increasing signs that confidence in EVs is growing across the globe. And although levels of public and political awareness vary in different territories, putting fast-charging infrastructures in place is now widely acknowledged as being essential to the acceptance of electric cars and an expansion of the market. We will see that once that infrastructure is in place, the floodgates will open.”

E-WALD, one of the fastest-growing ecarsharing organisations in Germany, currently has a fleet of nearly 200 EVs which contains sixteen different models, from sports cars to small vans, together with a network of over 140 charging stations. “We started trials of the the Veefil® fast charger in December 2013 in Bavaria”, explains Anton Achatz, COO of E-WALD. “Because of its unique liquid-cooled technology, it operates in exceptionally cold weather and so is ideal for our winter conditions.

“Our philosophy is to offer customers the very best experience in driving electric vehicles and the Veefil® is one of the most technologically-advanced fast chargers available today. We have high expectations for its uptake in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and are delighted to be working in partnership with Tritium in this venture.”

About Veefil®

Launched in Australia in May 2013, Veefil® is the culmination of 10 years’ of technological development by Brisbane-based company Tritium and is the only EV fast charger to be designed and manufactured in Australia. Tritium’s mission was to produce a cost-efficient, premium fast charger that would be easy to install, easy to use and easy to own. Veefil® can add 50Km range to an EV battery charge in just 10 minutes – which would take over three hours using a wall socket. It is designed for use in areas where motorists will want to enjoy the convenience of fast charging, such as shopping centres, coffee shops, airports and highway service centres. In addition, it is attractive to fleet operators who will reduce the time their assets are off-line from three hours to 10 minutes.

Veefil® Electric Vehicle Fast Charger – Unique Features

The world’s only aluminium structure and liquid-cooled fast charger, functioning in -35 degrees C to +55 degrees C. This makes it more robust than other chargers over a wide range of environmental conditions, including temperature, humidity and corrosive conditions – increasing reliability and reducing maintenance.

Has the smallest footprint and lowest weight of all DC EV fast chargers, increasing location options and reducing shipping and installation costs. It can fit neatly at the end of a standard parking bay within existing infrastructure.

Weighs only 165 kg – at least half the weight of most other EV fast chargers – and is a polycarbonate and aluminium construction, ensuring long-term stability of the entire enclosure, which leads to lower maintenance costs.

Attractive design, easy to use – awarded 2014 Good Design Australia Award.

About Tritium Pty Ltd

Tritium is a specialist designer and manufacturer of power electronic systems and fast chargers for electric vehicles. A well?known EV industry brand, Tritium produces state of the art electric-motor controllers and battery-management systems for the solar car industry as well as for more traditional automotive applications. Tritium products are used by many of the participating teams in the World Solar Challenge Races from Darwin to Adelaide and the company’s world-leading technology is now found on every continent in the world. In 2013 Tritium won the Nova 106.9 Award for Business Innovation at the Brisbane Lord Mayor’s Business Award and has been awarded a prestigious 2014 Good Design Australia Award for the Veefil® Electric Vehicle Fast Charger.

About E-WALD

E-WALD is Germany’s biggest operator of electric ecarsharing systems and provider of electric infrastructure. With a fleet of nearly 200 EVs and more than 140 operating charging stations all over Germany, E-WALD is the leading expert in emobility solutions. E-WALD provides an all-in-one emobility solution for cities, communities, companies and the private sector. Customers can choose from a wide package of products and solutions to experience emobilty.


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