Foto: Smartlab grows: network of 270 energy suppliers and 21,700 charging points

The network of municipal and national energy suppliers, which has been in existence for over ten years, has been growing steadily since the beginning of 2023 thanks to the addition of new customers. The 270 partners and their end customers can currently use 21,700 charging points from the network in Germany alone. Since the beginning of 2023, has been able to expand its charging points within the partner network from 14,600 to 21,700, which represents an increase of almost 50%. Of which around 1,500 charging points in Q1 and Q2 of 2024. Together with the ladebusiness network and the roaming cooperations, this adds up to 330,000 charging points across Europe that all end customers can access. Further information

14.08.2024   |  

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