lektrischer LKW zur Fahrzeug-Auslieferung. Foto: Porsche AG

Porsche transport logistics: e-trucks replace vehicles with conventional drive systems

At the Zuffenhausen, Weissach and Leipzig sites, Porsche and its logistics partners are deploying six new trucks with electric drives – mainly from Scania. They transport production materials around the plants. They supplement an existing fleet of 22 biogas-powered trucks. Another electric truck delivers new vehicles to Switzerland from the Zuffenhausen plant. In addition, the company is testing the use of synthetic diesel fuels (HVO100) in a multi-year trial under the scientific supervision of the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). These so-called re-fuels are being used in twelve trucks from the existing fleet around the Zuffenhausen plant.

As part of the decarbonization of its truck transport logistics, Porsche has been using biogas-powered trucks (CNG and LNG) for some time. These are now being supplemented by the new e-trucks in series production. The logistics partners Keller Group, Müller – Die Lila Logistik and Elflein have also committed to operating the electric trucks with green electricity. This also applies to the new electric truck from logistics company Galliker, which is used to deliver new vehicles from the Porsche plant in Zuffenhausen to the Swiss market.

re-fuels for selected vehicles in the existing truck fleet

In addition to expanding its fleet of e-trucks, Porsche has also been testing the use of synthetic diesel fuels (HVO100) in its existing fleet of trucks since 2020. The four-year pilot project with re-fuels is being run in cooperation with the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and Müller – Die Lila Logistik. The logistics company is using twelve trucks as part of the project. NESTE’s HVO100 fuel consists of residual and waste materials and meets the current requirements of the Renewable Energy Directive II (RED II). The fuel has been convincing in practical use to date. No disadvantages compared to conventional diesel fuel have been demonstrated – neither in terms of consumption nor engine reliability. So far, the project has covered more than one million kilometers and saved more than 800 tons of CO₂ according to certified figures from the fuel supplier Neste. The trucks operate on a shuttle basis in the greater Stuttgart area. In order to ensure a meaningful data comparison, the series-produced test trucks were used on identical routes and in parallel with diesel-powered trucks.

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02.07.2024   |  

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