Lieferroboter DAL-e Delivery von Kia und Hyundai. Foto: Kia

Autonomous indoor delivery service: robots from Kia and Hyundai

Kia Corporation and Hyundai Motor Company have unveiled the new design of their “DAL-e Delivery” robot. The further development of the delivery robot launched in December 2022 is designed to improve delivery performance and ensure reliable delivery, especially in complex environments such as offices and shopping malls. “The DAL-e Delivery provides efficient and reliable food and parcel delivery services to ensure that customers receive goods promptly,” says Dong Jin Hyun, Vice President and Head of Kia and Hyundai Robotics Lab. “Our vision includes connecting the infrastructure of different areas such as offices, restaurants and shopping centers.”

To improve driving stability, the DAL-e Delivery is designed as a square column with rounded corners and a low center of gravity. The sensors are integrated inconspicuously and the elegant metal-like appearance gives the robot a high-quality aesthetic. The DAL-e Delivery is based on four Plug & Drive (PnD) modules, a mobility solution that combines a motor with steering, suspension, braking systems and sensors for environment detection. It reaches a speed of up to 1.2 meters per second. The free-moving PnD modules are controlled by advanced autonomous driving technology that can detect obstacles and navigate the system safely in busy environments. In addition, the improved wheel suspension ensures a smooth ride on uneven ground.

The new robot is smaller than its predecessor, which facilitates smooth operation. The loading space has even grown. For example, it can transport up to 16 coffee cups or objects weighing up to 10 kilograms. This means that the DAL-e Delivery also offers a convenient delivery solution for bulky and heavy parcels. The discreet lighting in the cargo area makes it easy to see the contents. When the door opens, the storage compartment is extended so that items can be easily loaded and removed.

Autonomous driving function

The outstanding feature of the DAL-e Delivery is its autonomous driving function, which enables it to move to all floors of a building and work seamlessly with elevator and door control systems. It also ensures fast delivery by calculating the optimal route in real time. As soon as the DAL-e Delivery reaches its destination, it recognizes the recipient through the built-in camera. Using advanced AI facial recognition technology developed by the Kia and Hyundai robotics lab, the storage compartment opens automatically without the recipient having to enter a password. This facial recognition technology has been officially certified by the Korean Internet and Security Agency to have 99.9 percent accuracy, underscoring the technological excellence of the robotics lab.

The robot has a high-resolution 11.6-inch display that clearly shows the service status. Important information such as destination and operating status is displayed on the screen so that users and passers-by can intuitively understand the robot’s service status. Animated facial expressions can also be seen on the screen as a sign of customer proximity. Kia and Hyundai will deploy the DAL-e Delivery at IGIS Asset Management’s “Factorial Seongsu” during the second quarter of this year. Located in Seoul, this smart office building is scheduled to go live in April. Kia and Hyundai signed an agreement with IGIS in May last year to commercialize the robot-friendly building.

03.04.2024   |  

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