Das Projekt MuLI in Köln will Bremsenergie in die Fläche bringen. (Bild: ID 652234 / pixabay)

Decentralized storage and charging: Cologne charges e-buses with braking energy from the Cologne railway

A pilot project in Cologne uses the railway’s electrical infrastructure to provide efficient charging solutions. Among other things, the braking energy of the city railways is stored in old car batteries and made available. A new e-charging solution is available at the Bocklemünd light rail terminus in Cologne. The multimodal charging module integration (MuLI) uses the railway’s electrical infrastructure to store braking energy locally and make it available for charging e-buses and vehicles.

Recycled car batteries are part of the storage and charging infrastructure. The discarded batteries come from service and test vehicles from the car manufacturer Ford, which is based in Cologne. While the high-voltage batteries are already too weak to be used in vehicles, they can continue to be used as storage. Further information: www.energiezukunft.eu

29.03.2022   |  

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