
eMove360° Europe 2024

8th International trade fair & conference
for electric & autonomous mobility
October 15 – 17, 2024, Messe München, Entrance East

eMove360 Award Winner

15 – 17 October 2024 – Messe München

eMove360° Digital Hub

Connect with like-minded people and interesting companies in the electric & autonomous mobility space

22 June 2024 – 6:00 PM (CEST)
Focus: Autonomous Mobility & Design

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eMove360° Magazin 01/2024 Cover
eMove360° Magazin 01/2024

eMove360° Magazine

The eMove360° Magazine is the lifestyle-oriented magazine for new mobility. It combines research and development with the lifestyle of a sustainable mobility in urban and rural areas. It looks for technical solutions for a CO2 free traffic.

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